Efficient Buildings, Cost Savings for Health Facilities

The need for moderate to major building improvements in health and elderly care facilities across the nation is staggering. Although the need for building renovations creates an opportunity to improve energy efficiency, which can lead to energy cost savings in the long run. In addition, performing routine preventive maintenance can ensure that building systems continue to run efficiently. 

When healthcare facilities defer key maintenance activities to save costs, they risk unexpected and unbudgeted failures and repairs. This can lead to increased facility operations, decreased capacity, and increased maintenance costs which can be expensive. Urgent emergency repairs and premature failure of equipment not only put a facility but its inhabitants as well. 

By the installation of the cutting-edge equipment like CleanAirZone (CAZ) paired with the implementation of a resilient preventive maintenance plan, can facilities significantly reduce the number of major breakdowns and the costs associated. For example, CAZ isn’t just another mechanical device! The CleanAirZone Air Purifier performs like no other system. No wasteful filters or bulbs. No UV light pollution or ozone. Completely natural and eco-friendly!

The CleanAirZone system uses a bio solution (BioCAZ SolutionTM) dissolved in water, removing the need for filters. Without the needless or harmful waste of other filter systems CleanAirZone provides the healthiest indoor environment for you.

CleanAirZone’s commercial system tackles every facility based on its own needs when it comes to air contamination. For example, the contents in the air of a nail salon would be thoroughly different from the contents found in the air of a hospital.

Contact us for a custom diagnostic.